Friday, April 9, 2010

La Peur D'aimer, Haitian Movie= afraid of falling in love

My name is Abner Richet, I am actually living in the Seattle city area in the west coast. Where I live, there aren't too many Haitians. I practically live my life as an American, not that I am trying to offend anyone by avoiding my Haitian culture. It is just that there isn't a Haitian community in Seattle that I know of. Before I saw the Haitian movie 'La Peaur Daimer' I had absolutely no clue that Haitian people were so talented.

In 2006 I went to Fort-Lauder to spend Christmas with my family. While my family was in the living-room having communication with one another, I heard my female cousin Eunide mentioning a Haitian movie in the title of La Peaur D'aimer. I promptly went to a Haitan store that is located on the corner between Powereline Road and Sunrise Boulvard. I have seen many Haitian movies in that little store. I was happy to be able to purchase the movie La Peur D'aimer. My French is not that great, so I slowly took my time to have a better understanding of what was being said in the movie. Otherwise, I would be lost and unable to translate it into English to my American friends. I enjoyed watching the movie because of the lesson that was tought in it, therefore, i strongly recommend seeing La Peur D'aimer- especially to anyone who is afraid of falling in love. I have seen it at least 15 times,which proves how much I enjoyed it and that I still cannot get enough of it.

I wish the movie had English subtitles so that more of my American friends could understand it. Those who have understood it, loved it. I believed La Peur D'aimer was one of the finest Haitian movies ever made. It shows the sweetness, pain, and confusion of jealousy. Haitian people appreciate good french diction in movies; La Peur D'aimer has that.

It troubled me that the main character Reginal Lubin ditched his fiance Joanne in front her friend Deborah. I would never embarass my girl in front of her friend.

The movie was well organized, well done and I loved it.

Maintenant, Je voudrais parler en frencais.....please excuse my french because my french is sort of poor and please do not laugh but I will try my very best to actually say what I want to say in french. Monsieur Reginal Lubin, Je rend homage a toi mon ami pour ce bon message que tu as sercule dans la communautee Haitienne.......Merci pour ce bon travail que Dieu te benisse.

Abner T. Richet